Our Kindergarten Curriculum Includes:

Language and Literacy

Children learn best when exposed to a variety of literature and through a print rich environment. We selectively choose a variety of books that will expose children to fiction and nonfiction texts, and poetry. It is through these texts that children will learn to detect key elements such as identifying characters, settings and major events. As children become curious about concepts or vocabulary read, they are encouraged to ask questions and find the answers using context clues and research methods.  Students further explore literature independently and in groups in order to learn basic features of print, including writing from left to right, spacing written words and recognizing upper and lower case letters. Developing these features of print helps children to begin to decode words and write. Through journaling and various writing prompts, children use a combination of drawings and inventive spelling to share their ideas on paper. Letter- sound recognition, vocabulary and phonological skills develop through these activities. Furthermore, texts are meaningful and made personal to students as they are prompted to make connections to their own life and previous experiences.



Children learn about numbers and what they represent in a playful and meaningful approach. We emphasize understanding spatial relations, measurements and geometry, as well as developing a sense of number and quantity. Students begin to explore number symbols, writing them and counting to 20. Using materials like Unifix cubes, counters and base ten boards, children begin to demonstrate understanding of addition and subtraction through building their own numerical equations. As children collect data, they are prompted to record the simple word problems in pictures and drawings. We also use materials like pattern blocks to expose children to geometry. Children identify and describe basic shapes, as well as compare and contrast their measurable features. Using mathematical vocabulary, like long, short, light and heavy, demonstrates an awareness of these features. Students also analyze objects by their non-measureable features, such as color and texture. With this knowledge, not only do the children sort and classify the materials, but they are able to manipulate the objects in order to replicate, create or extend patterns.



Children are naturally curious and wonder about the world around them. We encourage students to ask and investigate their questions in order to build inquiry skills and scientific thought. Examining force, energy, living organisms, Earth’s systems and engineering concepts are topics carefully interwoven in to the curriculum. Students plan and conduct experiments for longer-term investigations. They observe, question, predict, and investigate materials, objects, and phenomena both during indoor classroom activities and when they go outdoors. Through these units, children develop basic scientific vocabulary and questioning, as well as vocabulary related to the subject of research. For example, if the children are examining machinery, the terms “pulley”, “lever” or “incline” may be discussed. As children learn to analyze, question and acquire new knowledge through these experiences, they are developing a more profound understanding and awareness of their environment. Additionally, they are building skills to solve problems, make informed decisions in both scientific settings and other contexts.


Social Studies

As children develop, they become more aware of themselves and others around them. We encourage students to explore the various contributing members of our community, as well as their own roles both inside the classroom and within the community at large. Additionally, students develop an understanding of basic geography and physical features of the neighborhood/community. In order to develop an understanding of their own unique characteristics about themselves and their families, children explore various cultures and family traditions. Holidays and customs are taught in a way that emphasize respect, diversity and individuality. Students also demonstrate an understanding of rules and responsibility within their classroom through classroom routines and jobs. As children take a closer look at community workers, they make connections and discuss the responsibilities and rules for those roles too. By delving in to these topics, children gain a sense of global citizenship, character development, and sensitivity to others.


Social/ Emotional

The skills to manage emotions, care for oneself and others is continuously developed throughout all disciplines. We promote opportunities for children to express themselves and make independent choices. Students learn how to appropriately engage with others and demonstrate pro social behavior as they interact with others in both small and large groups. As children learn to better identify their feelings and opinions, they learn to problem solve and approach others in a kind and respectful manner. Additionally, children demonstrate a higher level of self-direction, as they are expected to tend to task for longer periods of time and channel impulses or disappointment in a productive fashion. Not only are children active participants in the classroom community, but they are also increasing their independence and ability to work by themselves. Students learn to organize themselves and their belongings, as well as do tasks for themselves like pouring a drink or cleaning up. Caring for others and oneself is a lifelong skill.


Jewish Studies

Jewish values and customs is what drives our school philosophy; the core values and concepts learned from Jewish holidays and stories permeates each days’ lessons and activities. Children begin their day with tefillah and giving tzedakah. Thanking G‑d daily for what we have and giving to others less fortunate are cornerstones of Judaism and helps the children learn appreciation, benevolence and kindness. Saying brachot, blessings, before we eat instills the value of gratefulness as well. Children are constantly learning about mitzvoth and various acts of kindness they can take part in, in their daily lives. Every week the children participate in Shabbat celebrations by singing songs and making homemade challah bread. The children also learn rituals and stories in relation to the Jewish holidays. The Hebrew language is interlaced within daily conversations and when learning about the Jewish holidays. Naturally the children absorb new Hebrew vocabulary, demonstrate an understanding of Hebrew print by means of recognizing the alef-bet and learning letter formation.



As the children grow, health, safety and physical education become a priority for the children to conceptualize. Children develop an awareness of healthy habits such as cleanliness, handling food hygienically and dressing appropriately for the weather. Additionally, nutritious food choices are promoted through the snacks and lunches served daily, as well as exposing children to new foods in conjunction with lessons and holidays. We practice safety procedures both in and outside the classroom. Children are aware of the steps taken for safety drills as well as practice safe outdoor behavior like looking both ways in order to cross a street. Additionally, children become familiar with identifying community helpers and dialing 9-1-1 for help. Gross and fine motor skills continue to develop too. Coordinating their bodies to jump, run, hop, balance, throw and catch balls help students strengthen their large muscles. Students also refine their fine motor skills through using various writing instruments, scissors and through activities such as handling small materials or button/unbuttoning their jackets. By practicing the use of both large and small muscles, children gain an understanding of spatial awareness, develop their hand-eye coordination and core strength that is necessary for them to sit an attend an activity.



Children learn to appreciate various art forms and utilize them as a way of expressing themselves. Calm instrumental music is played as the children enter the classroom and begin their work. Music is played as a tool to teach different Jewish and secular holidays. As the children listen to the music, they explore pitch, musical patterns, changes in tempo, and tone. Music also promotes movement and dance. Students learn about personal space and how to move their bodies to the rhythm. Another art form the children appreciate is drama. Students role play and act our scenarios by themselves or collaboratively with their peers. Some of these roles can be based on life experiences while others involve more imagination and creativity, as they play fantasy. Opportunities for drama is important for self-expression, language development and to teach the children how to negotiate or create roles. A respect for the visual arts is cultivated through exploring medium like painting, sculpting and drawing. Students learn to create two-dimensional and three- dimensional works of art. Simultaneously they explore concepts like line, color, form and texture. Children’s work become more representational and recognizable to others. Their persistence, ability to problem solve and plan, are essential skills developed during these activities and then infused in to other areas of the classroom too.