The school is located at the Monroe Center on the ground floor. This new, state-of-the-art center was designed to foster a warm and nurturing environment with airy sun-lit rooms, cozy nooks, and plenty of space to explore, create, and play. Our school also boasts an indoor and outdoor play area on site for safe exploration and large muscle development.
In Reggio language, the physical environment is referred to as The Third Teacher as it has the capacity to engage the child as if it were a live teacher.
Natural materials provide an infinite number of possibilities, and convey a sense of calmness and tranquility for both children and adults.
Every item we bring into the classroom is carefully considered for its purpose and is ever-evolving. This encourages children to delve deeper and deeper into their interests and to fully engage their space and maintain its order without adult mediation.
Loris Malaguzzi (the founder of the Reggio Emilia Approach) talks of environments which speak and ones which are silent.
Our spaces – the classrooms, the playroom, even the corridors – have a clear voice. They announce to the child: You are active and capable. Come, learn and grow.